Game Screen

Game Screen Game Screen
  • * Unlike past titles in the series, there is no onscreen Life gauge.
  1. 1Item

    Displays your currently equipped item.

  2. 2

    Shows the location of your objective.

  3. 3Reticle

    When the reticle is red, the target is within your weapon's effective range.

  4. 4Direction of Enemy/Attack

    When an enemy is likely to spot you, the white indicator shows the direction of the enemy threat. The yellow/red indicator shows the direction from which an attack came.

  5. 5Markers

    You can mark enemies and other objects by keeping them in your field of view.

  6. 6Weapon

    The numeric display in the lower right corner shows remaining rounds in magazine/total unloaded rounds in your possession.

Action Icon

An action icon appears along with a button icon whenever you can perform context-sensitive actions, such as climbing up something or unlocking a door.

車輛に乗る Get in vehicle
ピッキング Pick lock
ヘリに乗る Board helicopter
担ぐ Carry